

VEHICLE is an independent subversive transport magazine about the physical and the experiential. The tangible and the emotional.

A visual social commentary which says something about the moment.

An unplanned journey where we are driven by a desire to offer a diverse and complex look at subcultures, class, race, social economics and the environment.

Issue #1 Contributors:

Adali Schell
Alex F Webb
Annemarie Kuus
Benjamin Breading
Bobby Doherty 
Dougal MacArthur
Gem Fletcher
Geray Mena
Holly Hay
Kalpesh Lathigra
Leigh Johnson
Lukas Korschan
Maisie Skidmore
Marie Déhé
Patrick McGraw
Rob Willey
Savannah Knoop
Shahram Saadat
Spela Kasal
Steve Harries.