
Sloft #6

Sloft is a magazine about architecture, design and decoration with a specific focus on compact interiors. Sloft promote a vision of a more sustainable city, more accessible and nicer.

Issue #06

From Antwerp to Milan, via Lyon, Marseille and Paris, we bring you a selection of habitats that perhaps express the notion of the cocoon more than usual. At least five of them are compact.

But also by their location: perched under the roof, inserted into a large complex or hidden at the end of a cul-de-sac. Or in their virtuosity, where, freeing themselves from the constraints of size or plan, they each reveal a singular universe that makes them veritable jewels to be lived in.

The homes that complement them also express this notion of refuge, in the sense that each in its own way, whether through color, materials or ambiance, they are the ideal shell dreamed of by the human creatures that inhabit them. Cocoons, then, but open. Through the journeys of their inhabitants, we discover that their design is the fruit of encounters, curiosity, experience and a desire to welcome.