
The Beholder

In The Beholder, Artist Julie Wolfe and PAN partnered with a collective of photographers, writers and artists working in a wide range of disciplines to tell the story of the Rococo era as a reflection on today, excess, carelessness, political unrest and increasing wealth inequity.

Within the book, one will find those that position themselves in this choreographed interplay, that live and move in a world of fiction, and express the strange passion for self-escape that is at the heart of the Rococo period.

This large format book presents a trove of curiosities through lift out, full page spreads that hold their own rich meaning. But together, and especially as they are partially concealed by folding, one finds an even more enchanting conversation awaits.

The artwork and imagery and the relationships to each other become at once half of themselves and something else entirely when bound together in this way. A physical and metaphysical meeting in the middle that tumbles back and forth, teasing a universe of appreciation if one simply turns the pages and wishes to see.