

NOIA - the Italian word for boredom - is an independent magazine born from a creative reaction to lockdown and isolation. Rooted in collaborations between artists, designers, photographers, writers, and other creatives, NOIA sources a diverse range of expressions and perspectives to create visual responses toward contemporary critical issues.

NOIA is a platform for experimentation and a laboratory to create dynamic forms of expression, presenting alternative solutions to challenge current establishments of thought. We believe that collaboration between creatives is a powerful tool to ignite discussion and to counterbalance dominant, traditional narratives.

NOIA Issue 3: States

States are the conceptual and physical constructions of borders - however tenuous - to define ideas and purport control. They are artifices presented as logic, defended as truths, manipulated as oppressions.

Fluid and influenceable, we can recreate and redefine the states of the world today. The borders we establish, whether they are physical borders between nations or intellectual borders defining ideas, these constructs of self, country, object, subject, concept can be challenged and pushed into states of flux.

In the realm of facts and truths, it is important to recognise that knowledge and understanding are not fixed entities. They evolve over time as new evidence emerges, perspectives shift, and societies progress.