
British Journal of Photography #7917

British Journal of Photography is the world’s longest-running photography magazine, in print since 1854. Each issue includes great articles, news, and images drawn from the best emerging and established contemporary photographers from around the world.

BJP provides crucial intelligence on the whole of the photographic industry through:- A diverse feature programme including reports on the latest projects and assignments - In-depth reviews of the latest equipment- Profiles of established photography legends as well as new talent to watch, including exclusive images- Exhibition, competition diary listings- Special reports from key events and relevant, up-to-the-minute market sector information.

Issue #7917 Virtual Reality

The cover of our first issue of the year is an image from Arko Datto’s ‘Kings of a Bereft Land’.

Shot in the Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta, Datto’s series addresses the climate crisis and shifting landscapes through the use of infrared film, creating ominous photographs of those who bear the brunt of global emission rises.

It’s at night that the rising water becomes most terrifying, Datto tells BJP in our multi-artist print feature – when rising sea levels affect not just the physical land, but the psychology of the people who inhabit it.

Virtual Reality considers photography as a partial lens, both revealing the world and framing it in particular ways. This edition also includes a special focus on the SWANA region in our Intelligence essay section – plus profiles of Zed Nelson, Robert Zhao Renhui and Hanako Murakami.