
ACT #8 Chapter Two - Void

“ACT magazine (Art, Culture, Talent) is an independent, Biannual Print Magazine, founded in Toronto 2020. A multi-direction creative studio, with a focus on publishing, art direction and visual arts at large; a place to showcase unique, creative people and artists of all kinds. ​​​​​​​

The aim of ACT magazine is to inspire and to communicate a statement of quality and style, making every copy a timeless statement of what we find beautiful.  ACT is timeless, the immediacy of fashion is another story. Its large format allows the reader to dive into a world of amazing imagery and the art direction is carefully planned to cherish both the beauty and the message of each issue and contributor."


'Technology, the city, connection, online, offline. The abundance and the lack of communication. Chaos, order!

One million encounters, still alone. Loneliness, sex partners.
Fruitful, imagination, sterile ,environment. Rituals, cult, prayers and spells.
Drive you crazy.

The individuals exist in an alternative place, a mental institution ! Or a deserted house? The city offers everything, you can choose where you want to be.
The dark side of it all is the search for individuality while simultaneously belonging to a group, to a cult, a sea of people that share the same interest.
The story starts with the woman, in a small town ,dreaming of a bigger life, leaves her village on a ferry to reach the city, where she gets lost trying to figure it all out. Captured on film.'

Above from ACT's website